Top Picks: Best Smelling Dryer Sheets

Top Picks: Best Smelling Dryer Sheets

You might not enjoy doing laundry, but there’s nothing better than the smell of fresh linens. It upscales a monotonous job and leaves your clothes feeling and smelling soft after the laundry run.   However, this revolution can only be accomplished with the best...
The Delicious Devil Fruits of the Anime World

The Delicious Devil Fruits of the Anime World

Who doesn’t want superpowers? Growing up, superheroes with fantastical superpowers filled our screens. These heroes flew high in the air, traveled back in time, and shot lasers from their eyes, and seeing these powers in action had most of us fantasizing about having...
Extra Soft Toothbrushes for Sensitive Gums and Teeth

Extra Soft Toothbrushes for Sensitive Gums and Teeth

Toothbrushes have come a longer way than we can imagine. From twigs used to remove the food stuck in our teeth, we are now exposed to bristles that clean our teeth thoroughly. We can choose the quality of our toothbrushes such as extra soft, soft, medium and hard. Not...
The Four Types of Slopes

The Four Types of Slopes

A slope is defined as the steepness of a line. If you consider a ski slope, you can go uphill, downhill or stand flat (horizontal) on the ground.   In mathematical terms, a slope or gradient, is a number denoted to the direction and steepness of a line. It is...
Types of Katanas

Types of Katanas

A Katana is known as a Japanese sword that comprises sharp, curved blades with a circular and square guard on it. It usually has a long grip to accommodate the use of both hands since the sword isn’t as light as it looks. Katanas are renowned because they were used by...